I believe, that connection of technology and spirituality will be next evolution step in our society.

I am challenging status quo in every area of our life. I believe, that everybody has potential to live life from their dreams.

I believe that next evolutional step in our civilization will be connecting what we know today as spiritual movement with technology.This will make bigger and faster shift in our lifes than anything in our known history.

Do you build a new technology, write a book, create an art that uplift other people? Are you exploring more effective education for your children?

Do you want to improve your leadership skills to create exceptional organization with an important mission, supported by very profitable business and extremely engaged and passionate employees?

Are you thinking about new ideas, challenging existing reality, dreaming about something new, and you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and invest your life into it? Do you want to build your dream and be leader and inspiration for yourself, your family, community or organization? Not because you must, but because you want?

Than you are exactly same kind of person as I am.

Let's talk together.

Milos Kovac

What can I bring to the table?

I am a human potential explorer. I expose people to their potential and empower them to live a lifestyle full of fun, self-development, freedom and fulfillment.

I am using for my work paradigm shift approach as developed and time tested for more than 100 years cumulatively by my mentors Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey. I am certified Thinking Into Results for leaders consultant from Proctor Gallagher Institute and Dream Builder life coach from Life Mastery Institute.

My other mentors and advisors in my journey are amazing speakers and teachers like Johnny Wimbrey, Steve Siebold and Blaine Bartlett.

I can help you

Get clarity on your Goals

Essential pillar of purposeful life is to have crystal clear understanding of what we would like to build in our life and how. I can help you to discover your goals and uncover mental blockages that may keep you where you are today.

Speaking and inspiring

My speaking topic is related to conscious understanding of our human potential. My audiences love being inspired by my perspective and experience of applying human potential principles to parenting, business, leadership and personal life.

Coaching and Consulting

Do you feel stuck in your life and do not know how to move forward? Do you feel that no matter what you try, you still receive pretty much same results? Do you have thoughts that you do not have your own life under your own control? Are you ready to invest significant amount of time into your own transformation?

My published personal stories

I believe that curiosity and storytelling are the most inspiring tools that can transform lives of other people.

I am using everything that I have learned in my family and business life. My incredible positive personal stories about how my own children are impacted by my approach are featured in books below.


There are times in our lives when forces collide to produce life-changing events. I have connected forces with authors from around the world to share our inspirational stories. These breakthrough experiences will give insights and wisdom that will inspire you to greatness!

Contact Me


P.U.S.H. is not about closing sales, or how to run a multimillion-dollar company, or how to cash in your side hustle so you can quit your day job. This book is about building a character you need in order to succeed.

Without the right character in place - without knowing who you are and what you are capable of - you will never achieve and maintain success.

Contact Me



I signed up because my life had no direction, I somehow wandered and saw no possible way out. Any small change against the stereotype was and is welcome for me and I must say that I am really glad that I did it. Just the conversations itself made me feel that the change I was waiting for is coming and happening. I would like to thank you for that. I found hope and desire to change things again. Miloš is a very intelligent person who can listen and perfectly process the situation that confronts him. I was really excited and I am looking forward for our next cooperation.
Antonin Vrchlavsky
I can safely say with a clear mind that the consultation literally opened my eyes. Especially in your work, your perspective and experience in the field of finance. Thanks to this conversation, all my knowledge has moved to a higher level and has reached a new practical dimension, to achieve the desired goals. It was great to experience on my own your knowledge and approach of leading people. So I consider our consultation as very successful. It never occurred to me to make a brief plan. And follow it with all the focus, commitment.
Michal Zukal
I'm so happy now. I feel so greatefull for your advices, perspectives and comments. And thank you very much, that you pushed me to the new journey. I thought about it yesterday, but I needed support and thank you for that. Sidris was right when he told me I need you. 🙂 Thank you so much.
Stanislav Tuma
During a relatively short conversation with Miloš, we managed to find several ways in which I could afford to quit my job immediately and start my own business without much capital. Apart from the fact that talking to Miloš will give you great enthusiasm and joy, you will get practical advice that can move you immediately. I value my time very much, I even consider it the most valuable asset I have - and this time was a very good investment.
Lucie Koldova